I was looking for a way to use up some leftover cauliflower rice. I am happy I made this because this eats so many different ways. As a flat bread, as a spoon, as a cracker, as a snack. Low carb Keto fans will love this one…

 Cauliflower Rounds

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2c cauliflower rice

1/2c parmesan cheese, shredded

1 egg

1T chives

1t garlic powder

1t oregano

1/2t salt

1/2t pepper

Preheat oven to 425F. Spray baking tray with a little cooking oil and line with parchment paper.

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Add cauliflower that has been riced to a large skillet, cover and fry on medium heat for 5-8 minutes, stirring occasionally. Then finish it off by adding 2-3 more minutes with the lid off to remove any excess water. Keep stirring the cauliflower so it does not stick or burn. Let the cauliflower cool.

In a large bowl, mix all together ingredients. Divide the dough into 8 balls, placing each on the tray. Using the back of a spoon or your fingers, flatten the dough to form a round.

Bake for 20-23 minutes; I like to wait until the sides start to crisp up.

Let cool on pan 5-7 minutes.
